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Sustainability Literacy Task Force (SLTF). The following questions are intended to get students in a variety of disciplines started on researching food issues and solutions related to what they are studying.

Public Service Careers & Apprenticeships Division

Public Services Careers (PSCD)

Child Care Professional

  • How will we facilitate a viable connection with food and agriculture for young children?

  • How can sustainable practices be modeled to children in our daily operations?

  • How can we education young children that develop health eating habits?

Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement

  • How can we best meet the challenges that will result from our unsustainable practices (weak economies, failed states, food crisis, weather severity, water depletion)

  • How can we work with communities to build resilience?

Vocational Technology Division

Automotive Body (ABDD), Automotive Services (AUTD), Motorcycle Technology (MOTD)

  • How can we service and customize vehicles in a sustainable way?

  • What new technologies can help us work more sustainably?

Construction Institute (CIND), Heating, Ventilation and A/C (HVAD)

  • How can we do our jobs in a sustainable way?

  • What new technologies can be used that will give us a more sustainable end result?

Industrial Technology (INTD)

  • How can we make products in a sustainable way?

  • What new technologies can help us live more sustainably?

Welding and Fabrication (WAFD)

  • How can we do our jobs in a sustainable way?

  • What new technologies can be used that will give us a more sustainable end result?

Learning Resources Division


  • How can we do our jobs in a sustainable way?
  • How can we support educating students about sustainability?


Business and Computer Technologies Division

Business (BUSD), Business Office Systems (BOS)

  • How can businesses operate in a way that is sustainable?

  • How can the corporate culture be transformed to make decisions that include sustainability?

  • How would operating more sustainably affect a business’s bottom line (or triple bottom line?)

Computer Instruction (CISD)

  • How can computer professionals make computer systems be more sustainable in daily operations?

  • What computer technologies are available to help other disciplines operate more sustainably?

Culinary and Hospitality Management (CHMD)

  • How can food purchasing and preparation be done in a sustainable way?
  • How can food professionals educate the public about sustainability?
  • How can food professionals support local economies?

Digital Media Arts (DMAD)

  • How can digital media arts be done more sustainably in daily operations?

  • How can digital media arts be used to educate people about sustainability?

Humanities, Social and Behavioral Science Division

Academic and Career Skills (ACSD)

  • How can we live in a way that will be resilient in the face of food shortage, food insecurity and food safety?

  • What careers are in the food and agriculture industry ?

Behavioral Science (BEHD)

  • How can people be motivated to change their behaviors regarding food and agriculture?

  • How can we build communities that will be resilient in the face of food shortage, food insecurity and food safety?

English/Writing (ENGD)

  • How can we build communities that will be resilient in the face of food shortage, food insecurity and food safety?

  • How can writing motivate people to change their behaviors and live more sustainably?

  • What books and other writing have motivated you to live more food sustainable?

Foreign Languages (FLGD)

  • In what ways do other cultures practice food shortage, food insecurity and food safety?

  • How do the unsustainable behaviors in the U.S. affect other cultures?

  • How have other cultures learned to be resilient in the face of food shortage, food insecurity and food safety?

Humanities (HUMD)

  • How can communication professionals be more aware of food and agriculture issues in daily operations?

  • How can communication professionals educate people about food and agriculture issues?

Performing Arts (PERD)

  • How can music, dance and theatre motivate people to change their behaviors and live more sustainably?

  • What music, dances, and theatre have motivated you to be more aware of food and agriculture issues?

Social Science (SSCD)

  • How have cultures dealt with food and agriculture issues in the past?

  • What kind of economic systems promote food and agriculture policies?

  • How can the political system be used to make the society more food and agriculture friendly?


Math, Science and Health Division

Life Sciences (LIFD)

  • How can the Life Sciences be used to analyze information to create a sustainable food and agriculture environment?

  • How can the Life Sciences be used to design food and agriculture systems?

  • How does society’s ability to understand concepts like bio-diversity and ecology affect political decisions and personal lifestyle choices?

Mathematics (MTHD)

  • How can mathematics be used to analyze information to create a sustainable society?

  • How can mathematics be used to design an advanced food and agriculture system?

  • How is society’s ability to understand concepts like food insecurity, food poisoning and limits to growth affected by its understanding of mathematics?

Nursing & Allied Health (NHSD), Allied Health (ALHD)

  • How can nurses and health professionals be more proactive in daily food/nutrition operations?

  • How nurses and health professionals educate people about food / eating habits?

Physical Sciences (PHYD)

  • How can the Physical Sciences be used to analyze information to create a sustainable society?

  • How can the Physical Sciences be used to design an advanced food and agriculture system?

Continuing Education and Community Services Division