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Data Literacy

Critical Thinking Questions - Data Literacy

  • Where do you go to find data or statistics?
  • When looking at data, consider:
    • What was counted?
    • How was the data collected?
    • Who counted? Why did they count?
    • Is there bias?
    • Is anything missing?
    • Are the numbers meaningful? Do they make sense?
  • Is the number rounded? How does that generalization affect your understanding? 
  • In what ways can data, especially charts or graphs, be misleading?
  • What factors would make you more likely to trust data or statistics?
  • How do statistics, or your perception of statistics, change when you compare them to a statistical benchmark? For example, the number of deaths from a particular cause in a year may seem like a lot until you compare it to the total number of deaths.

Activities and Lesson Plans

Books about Teaching Data Literacy

Articles on Data Literacy