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ACS 108 Critical Reading and Thinking

banner image of a group of bound journals with text ACS 108 scholarly articles

Scholarly Article Warm Up Activity

Quickly scan and skim this scholarly article. What do you notice that makes this article different from newspaper and magazine articles? 

Identifying Scholarly Articles

Scholarly Articles Include: 

  • Abstract -- Summary at the beginning of the article about the author's argument, approach, and conclusion.  
  • Author(s) -- Scholarly articles usually have two or more authors. Author credentials and affiliations are listed on first page or last page of article
  • Specialized Headings/Sections -- headings may include:
    • Introduction -- One to several paragraphs describing the subject content of the article.
    • Methodology --  Information about any data that was collected and who participated in the study.
    • Results -- Information about the results of the study.
    • Discussion - Description of the significance of the research study and any new insights gained. 
    • Conclusion -- Findings of the research and any recommendations and/or limitations of the study.
  • References or bibliography -- Extensive list citing previous research referenced in the article. 

Note: The structure and format of peer-reviewed articles varies depending on the field of study and the publication's preferred formatting. For example, some articles may contain a literature review heading, others may include the literature review as part of the introduction or discussion sections. 

Choosing and Reading Scholarly Articles

Tips for Choosing Scholarly Articles:  

  • Read the Title: Look for specific words and phrases in the title that match you search terms and topic. Pay attention to the subtitle, which provides additional details about the article.

  • Read the Abstract: The abstract ensures that there are no surprise endings when you read the article. It will tell you what was done, why it was done, and what conclusions were made in the end. This helps you determine if the article is relevant to your research.

  • Look at the Source: What is the title of the journal? Journal titles provides clues as to field of study.

  • Look at the Author: Look for author information such as educational background or professional field to see if it matches the scope of your research. 

Video: How to Read a Scholarly Article

Finding Scholarly Articles

Use library research databases to find scholarly articles on a topic. For research in ACS 108, we will use the Academic OneFile research database. 

Find Academic OneFile from the library's homepage by clicking:

  • Databases

  • Databases A to Z

  • Academic OneFile

ACS 108 Scholarly Articles Activity