During the Living Stories event, visitors select a story and then sit down with that person (you!) to hear their story, listen, dialog, and learn. Each story has a title posted on a large bulletin board listing all of the titles available. Visitors will pick out a title and then volunteers connect them with their story. Story participants will have 15-20 minutes to tell their story and dialog with a group of 1-4 visitors at a time. We encourage books to sign up for one hour, which means telling your story 2-3 times.
There is no theme, but participants are encouraged to share a story that can break down stereotypes, clarify misconceptions, or provide a unique perspective. If you have a story of a life changing journey or experience that has shaped your life, we would love to hear that too. Living stories participants are asked not to proselytize, debate, or promote goods and services.
Yes! All participants are required to attend an hour long training session where they will work on their story, finalize their schedule and learn more about Living Stories.
Washtenaw Community College – Bailey Library | 4800 East Huron River Dr., Ann Arbor MI 48105-4800
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