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Biology 162 General Biology II Cells and Molecules

Use this research guide for BIO 162 assignment.

Research Database Exploration Activity

Click the link below to complete the activity:

Research Question Converting to Search Terms

Steps to converting any research question into search term/query:

  1. State your question 
    1. ​​​​​​If you live in a seacoast area that receives saltwater from a tsunami, can you grow your usual plants the next year?  Which plants can you grow? Explain how this relates to your experiment. 
  2. Identity key terms from your question 
  3. Plan your search strategy 
Question elements Keywords Search Terms Search Strategies
Plant growth      

4. Execute the search in a library research database such as Science or OneSearch 

Research Questions

Before you begin researching for supporting documentation from articles about your topic have a good idea of what you are searching for. This means:

  • Have your research question or thesis statement written
  • Identify key terms from your question or thesis statement to help you search for information

  A. How are geneticists working to change plants to adapt to water of higher salinity?  Which plants are they working on and why? Explain how this relates to your experiment. 

  B. If you live in a seacoast area that receives saltwater from a tsunami, can you grow your usual plants the next year?  Which plants can you grow? Explain how this relates to your experiment. 

  C. How are soil scientists and agronomists working to control soil salinity?  What crops are best to grow in saline soils?  Explain how this relates to your experiment. 


One Search Library Resources

Primo Smart Search

Biology Databases

Where to begin your research for articles?   Start with one of the discipline specific databases in the sciences listed below. 

Recommended databases:

  • Environment Complete
  • PLoS One
  • Science in Context
  • OneSearch 


Multi Subject Databases good for Biology