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Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources for educators free to use

What are Open Educational Resources (OER)?

OER Logo

What are Open Educational Resources (OER)?

"Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning, and research materials that are either (a) in the public domain or (b) licensed in a manner that provides everyone with free and perpetual permission to engage in the 5R activities (retain, reuse, revise, remix, redistribute)." - Creative Commons 

What is a Z-Degree?

Z-Degree Washtenaw Community College LogoA Z-Degree is a set of routinely-offered courses that allow a student to complete a degree or certificate while incurring zero textbook costs (ZTC). Z-Degree courses use Open Educational Resources (OER) and/or alternatives that are free to students. While there is zero cost for textbooks, there may be costs for required instructional supplies.  

Students can contact a WCC Advisor to establish the right Z-Degree course path for this degree!

WCC Textbook Cost Definitions

What is Course Marking?

Course marking means adding designations to the course schedule that allow students to easily identify whether a course is using no-cost or low-cost course materials. Courses using free OER (Open Educational Resources) also receive designations as part of the campus OER initiatives and statistics. 

Why does WCC use Course Marking? 

Marking no and low cost textbooks in the course schedule increases textbook cost transparency in accordance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA). It also helps students and advisors to easily identify no/low cost textbook options and lower cost degree paths, which:

  • Address inequity

  • Increase affordability

  • Improve student learning

  • Increase student success

  • Decrease the cost of higher education so students can enroll in more courses.  

Course marking also makes it possible to have accurate institutional data for campus and statewide research on student textbook cost savings, student success outcomes, Return on Investment (ROI) for OER initiatives, and more. 

Questions? Contact Molly Ledermann.

OER (Open Educational Resources): 

Instructional materials that are free to students AND licensed for free open reuse.

Description: "Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning, and research materials that are either (a) in the public domain or (b) licensed in a manner that provides everyone with free and perpetual permission to engage in the 5R activities (retain, reuse, revise, remix, redistribute)." - Creative Commons 

Course Marking - OER Designation:

  • Courses using free OER textbooks

  • There may be additional costs for instructional supplies.

The following do not qualify for OER Designation:

  • Third-party bookstore products such as BNC OER+ do not qualify as OER unless the content is publicly available with clear terms of use that allow free public access. 

  • Courses using OER with software or online sites that require the purchase of a license to access materials, such as access codes for homework platforms.

  • Courses using OER as supplemental material while using a commercial textbook as the primary instructional content does not qualify for OER designation.  

No book cost:

Any course with no textbook costs.

Description: This label is used for any course where there are no textbook costs, whether the textbook is free or there are no textbooks at all. There may be costs for required instructional supplies, such as a calculator, lab notebook, goggles or supplies. 

Course Marking - No Book Cost Designation:

  • Courses that use OER textbooks and have no additional textbook costs. 

  • Courses with no required materials.

  • Courses using library resources including ebooks, digital journal articles, streaming films, etc. 

  • Courses using a combination of OER and library resources as required course materials. 

The following do not qualify for No Book Cost Designation:

  • Courses using publisher content included in tuition or course/section fees through Inclusive Access or First Day programs.

  • Courses with a no cost textbook plus software or online sites that require the purchase of a license to access materials, such as access codes for homework platforms.

Low Book Cost:

Any course with total textbook costs under $40. 

Description: This label, also known as Affordable instructional materials or Low-Cost materials, is used for any course whose total instructional materials cost students under $40. - Michigan Colleges Online

Course Marking - Low Book Cost Designation:

  • Courses with total textbook costs under $40. This includes commercial textbooks, access codes, course material bundles, etc.

  • Courses using a free OER textbook with additional low cost instructional materials as long as the total cost is under $40.

  • Courses using new, used, rented, and older editions of the textbook qualify as long as the total cost is under $40 and there is sufficient supply/stock for all enrolled students. 

  • Courses that are lectures with an associated lab section should be coded together with combined costs for materials unless they require separate registration with independent section numbers.  

The following do not qualify for Low Book Cost Designation:

  • Third-party bookstore products such as BNC OER+ do not qualify as low cost unless the fee is $40 or less. 

  • Courses using OER with software or online sites that require the purchase of a license to access materials, such as access codes for homework platforms, do not qualify as low cost unless the fee is $40 or less.

  • Courses with a low cost textbook plus software or online sites that require the purchase of a license to access materials, such as access codes for homework platforms, do not qualify as low cost unless the total fee for the textbook and platform/software is $40 or less.

  • Courses using publisher content included in tuition or course/section fees through Inclusive Access or First Day programs do not qualify as low cost unless the fee is $40 or less.

  • Courses that span multiple semesters or for which a textbook is used for multiple courses may not prorate the book cost. For example, an $80 textbook may not be prorated as $40 per semester and marked as low cost. 

Regular Book Cost:

Any course with total textbook costs over $40

Course Marking - Regular book cost Designation:

  • If a course is using traditional, regular cost course materials, it will be marked with a Regular Book Cost designation. 

  • The First Day Inclusive Access program is not part of WCC’s OER and Z-Degree initiatives. First Day is a regular cost textbook product from Barnes & Noble, through which students are automatically billed for a limited-term digital rental of the textbook upon registration.


A degree path with no textbook costs for students. 

Description: A Z-Degree is a set of routinely-offered courses that allow a student to complete a degree or certificate while incurring zero textbook costs (ZTC). Z-Degree courses use Open Educational Resources (OER) and/or alternatives that are free to students. While there is zero cost for textbooks, there may be costs for required instructional supplies. - Michigan Colleges Online

OER Open Educator Cohort

Become an Open Educator!
Cohort participants will attend three hands-on sessions in a collaborative environment to support the goal of completing and using an OER textbook. Stipend available for completed projects. MTA faculty are strongly encouraged to participate. Register below.


Winter 2025

Session One: Friday, February 7 10-11am - Zoom
Hands-on project planning, OER & Creative Commons, explore options to meet pedagogical needs.

Session Two: Friday, February 21 10-11am - Zoom
Adapting, remixing, and attributing OER, instructional design considerations, troubleshoot problems.

Session Three: Friday, April 11 10-11am - Zoom
Create maintenance plan, course marking instructions, troubleshoot problems, checklist for finishing projects.

Questions? Contact Molly Ledermann.

OER Savings at Washtenaw Community College

Savings for Winter 2025


Sections Estimated Total Students Textbook Cost New Total Savings
ACS 123     $100* Course not offered this term
ANT 201 7 167 $100* $16,700
ART 130 2 37 $100* $3,700

BIO 101

11 244 $273.28 $66,680.32
BIO 115 1 19 $273.28 $5,192.32

BIO 162

3 68 $104.75 $7,123

BIO 237

5 110 $250 $27,500

BMG 101

2 58 100* $5,800
BMG 109 1 30 100* $3,000

BMG 111

10 250 $226 $56,500

BMG 140

10 290 $93 $26,970
BMG 155 3 52 $100* $5,200
BMG 160 1 30 $114.29 $3,428.70
BMG 161 1 11 $100* $1,100
BMG 165 1 30 $143 $4,290
BMG 166 1 30 $75 $2,250
BMG 168 1 21 $118 $2,478
BMG 169 1 16 $149 $2,384

BMG 207

8 223 $80 $17,840
BMG 209 1 21 $100* $2,100

BMG 230


109 $114.30 $12,459

BMG 240

3 57 $100 $5,700
BMG 273 2 37 $50 $1,850

BMG 279

2 44 $98.65 $4,341
BMG 291 1 18 $75 $1,350

CEM 101

10 234 $100* $23,400
CEM 105  1 21 $100* $2,100

CEM 111

9 199 $178.55 $35,531.45
CEM 122 5 100 $178.55 $17,855
CIS 120 5 129 $84 $10,836
CJT 100 2 54 $71.40 $3,856

CJT 209

    $175 No OER section this term

COM 101

15 329 $64.30 $21,155

COM 102

16 377 $188 $70,876

COM 142

1 12 $97 $1,164
COM 200 3 72 $100 $7,200

COM 225

3 65 $24.95 $1,622
CPS 141 1 30 $100* $3,000
CPS 161 3 78 $100* $7,800

CPS 171

3 83 $90 $7,470

CPS 271

2 24 $270 $6,480

CPS 272

1 20 $240 $4,800
ECD 101  2 42 $100 $4,200

ENG 091

    $91.65 Course no longer offered

ENG 111

54 1022 $72 book
$16.25 Writing Center Manual


ENG 140 4 101 $69.73 $7042.73
ENG 200     $100* No OER section this term

ENG 226

28 498 $84.55 $42,105.90
ENV 200       Course coming soon.

ESL 023

1 15

$58.65 writing book
$10 vocabulary book

$879.75 writing
$150 vocabulary

ESL 128

2 32 $56 workbook $1,792
ESL 155 1 6 $35 $210

GLG 100

10 296 $125 $37,000
GLG 103 1 9 $125 $1,125

GLG 110

2 45


GLG 114 2 42 $269 bk $122 lab 

$11,298 book, $5,124 lab

GLG 125     $170.95 No OER section this term

GLG 202

    $125 Course not offered this term

GRM 111

1 18 $234 $4,212
GRM 122 1 25 $234 $5,850
HST108 4 116 $100 $11,600
HST 121 3 76 $106 $8,056
HUM 101 1 29 $43.26 $1,254.54
HUM 102 1 13 $100* $1,300
HUM 146 1 29 $24 $696

MTH 067

    $142.82 Course no longer offered
MTH 097     $153.10 Course no longer offered
MTH 125X 5 96 $92.86 $8,914.56

MTH 160

2 49 $185 $9,065
MTH 168 4 87 $100 $8,700
MTH 169 4 91 $104 $2,366
MTH 176 8 172 $156 $26,832

MTH 191

    $135 No OER section this term

MTH 192

13 324 $100 $32,400

MTH 197

8 194 $190 $36,860
MTH 293 11 295 $135 $39,825
MTH 295 7 158 $100 $15,800

NUR 115

    $100* No OER section this term
PHL 101  6 170 $52.50 $8,925
PHL 244 9 257 $100* $25,700
PHL 250 1 16 $100* $1,600
PHY 105 2 43 $240 $10,320
PLS 241     $17 Course not offered this term
PSY 100 24 681 $100 $68,100

$100 is state number for savings

Savings for Fall 2024


Semester Sections Average Total Students Textbook Cost New Total Savings
ACS 123


    $100* Course not offered this term
ANT 201 F24 5 137 $100* $13,700
ART 130 F24 2 37 $100* $3,700

BIO 101

F24 11 246 $273.28 $67,226.88

BIO 162

F24 3 60 $104.75 $6,285

BIO 237

F24 6 121 $250 $30,250

BMG 101

F24 2 43 100* $4,300
BMG 109 F24 1 28 100* $2,800

BMG 111

F24 8 221 $226 $49,946

BMG 140



258 $93 $23,994
BMG 155 F24 3 63 $100* $6,300
BMG 160 F24 1 30 $114.29 $3,428.70
BMG 165 F24 2 37 $143 $5,291
BMG 166 F24     $75 Course not offered this term
BMG 168 F24     $118 Course not offered this term
BMG 169 F24     $149 Course not offered this term

BMG 207

F24 8 220 $80 $17,600
BMG 209 F24 1 29 $100* $2,900

BMG 230

F24 4 101 $114.30 $11,544.30

BMG 240

F24 3 63 $100 $6,300
BMG 273 F24 3 43 $50 $200

BMG 279

F24 3 58 $98.65 $5,721.70
BMG 291 F24 1 25 $75 $1,875

CEM 101

F24 12 273 $100* $27,300
CEM 105  F24 1 17 $100* $1,700

CEM 111

F24 10 196 $178.55 $34,995.80
CEM 122 F24 4 77 $178.55 $13,748.35
CIS 120 F24 5 128 $84 $10,752
CJT 100 F24 3 73 $71.40 $5,212.20

CJT 209

F24     $175 No OER section this term

COM 101

F24 15 346 $64.30 $22,247.80

COM 102

F24 16 354 $188 $66,552

COM 142

F24     $97 Course not offered this term
COM 200 F24 3 71 $100 $7,100

COM 225

F24 3 77 $24.95 $1,921.15
CPS 141 F24 4 107 $100* $10,700
CPS 161 F24 2 50 $100* $5,000

CPS 171

F24 4 105 $90 $9,450

CPS 271

F24 2 48 $270 $12,960

CPS 272

F24 2 48 $240 $11,520
ECD 101  F24 3 60 $100 $6,000

ENG 091

F24 9 175 $91.65 $6,873.75

ENG 111

F24 75 1456 $72 book
$16.25 Writing Center Manual

$104,832 - book 
 $23,806.25 - manual

ENG 140 F24 3 84 $69.73 $5,857.32
ENG 200 F24     $100* No OER section this term

ENG 226

F24 18 337 $84.55 $28,493.35
ENV 200 F24       Course coming Winter 25

ESL 023

F24 2 28

$58.65 writing book
$10 vocabulary book

$1,642.20 - writing book
$280 - vocabulary book

ESL 128

F24 2 33 $56 workbook  $1,848 - workbook
ESL 155 F24 1 8 $35 $280

GLG 100

F24 10 269 $125 $33,625
GLG 103 F24     $125 Course not offered this term

GLG 110

F24 2 42


GLG 114 F24 2 39 $269 bk $122 lab  $10,491 bk $4,758 lab
GLG 125 F24     $170.95 No OER section this term

GLG 202

F24     $125 Course not offered this term

GRM 111

F24 2 27 $234 $6,318
GRM 122 F24     $234 Course not offered this term
HST108 F24 5 142 $100 $14,200
HST 121 F24 2 52 $106 $5,512

MTH 067

F24 8 167 $142.82 $23,850.94
MTH 097 F24 7 146 $153.10 $22,352.60
MTH 125 F24 2 52 $92.86 $4,880.72

MTH 160

F24     $185 No OER section this term
MTH 169 F24     $104 Coming Winter 2025
MTH 176 F24 3 89 $156 $13,884

MTH 191

F24     $135 No OER section this term

MTH 192

F24 10 255 $100 $25,500

MTH 197

F24 7 124 $190 $23,560
MTH 293 F24 14 403 $135 $54,405
MTH 295 F24 1 17 $100 $1,700

NUR 115

F24     $100* No OER section this term
PHL 101  F24 5 144 $52.50 $7,560
PHL 250 F24 1 15 $100* $1,500
PHY 105 F24 2 36 $240 $8,640
PLS 241 F24     $17 Course not offered this term
PSY 100 F24 28 778 $100 $77,800

$100 is state number for savings

Savings for Summer 2024


Semester Sections Average Total Students Textbook Cost New Total Savings
ACS 123


    $100* Course not offered this term.
ANT 201 S24 4 107 $100* $10,700

BIO 101

S24 5 69 $273.28 $18,856.32

BIO 162

S24 1 19 $104.75

BIO 237

S24 3 69 $250 $17,250

BMG 101

S24 2 41 100* $4,100
BMG 109 S24 1 30 100* $3,000

BMG 111

S24 6 153 $226 $34,578

BMG 140



113 $93 $10,509
BMG 155 S24 1 30 $100* $3,000
BMG 160 S24     $114.29 Course not offered this term
BMG 163 S24     $100* Course not offered this term
BMG 165 S24     $143 Course not offered this term
BMG 166 S24     $75 Course not offered this term
BMG 168 S24     $118 Course not offered this term
BMG 169 S24     $149 Course not offered this term

BMG 207

S24 6 157 $80 $12,560
BMG 209 S24 1 12 $100* $1,200

BMG 230

S24 4 76 $114.30 $8,686.20

BMG 240

S24 3 59 $100 $5,900
BMG 273 S24 2 37 $50 $1,850

BMG 279

S24 3 54 $98.65 $5,327.10
BMG 291 S24 1 24 $75 $1,800

CEM 101

S24 4 76 $100* $7,600
CEM 105  S24 1 12 $100* $1,200

CEM 111

S24 3 66 $178.55 $11,784.30
CEM 122 S24 3 45 $178.55 $8,034.75
CIS 120 S24 3 72 $84 $6,048
CJT 100 S24 1 30 $71.40 $2,142

CJT 209

S24     $175 OER not offered this term

COM 101

S24 5 89 $64.30 $5,722.70

COM 102

S24 10 222 $188 $41,736

COM 142

S24     $97 Course not offered this term
COM 200 S24 2 43 $100 $4,300

COM 225

S24 2 53 $24.95 $1,322.35
CPS 141 S24 4 85 $100* $8,500
CPS 161 S24 4 117 $100* $11,700

CPS 171

S24 3 83 $90 $7,470

CPS 271

S24 1 26 $270 $7,020

CPS 272

S24 1 28 $240 $6,720
ECD 101  S24     $100 Course not offered this term

ENG 091

S24 2 36 $91.65 $3,299.40

ENG 111

S24 27 463 $72 book
$16.25 Writing Center Manual

 $33,336 - book 
$7,523.75 - manual

ENG 140 S24 2 50 $69.73 $3,486.50
ENG 200 S24 1 24 $100* $2,400

ENG 226

S24 9 162 $84.55 $13,697.10
ENV 200 S24       Course coming Winter 25

ESL 023

S24 1 5

$58.65 writing book
$10 vocabulary book

$293.25 - writing book
 $50 - vocabulary book

ESL 128

S24 1 10 $56 workbook $560 workbook
ESL 155 S24     $35 Course not offered this term

GLG 100

S24 4 112 $125 $2,840
GLG 103 S24     $125 Course not offered this term

GLG 110

S24 1 24


GLG 114 S24 1 24 $269 bk $122 lab  $6,456 bk $2,928 lab
GLG 125 S24     $170.95 OER not offered this term

GLG 202

S24     $125 Course not offered this term

GRM 111

S24     $234 Course not offered this term
GRM 112 S24     $234 Course not offered this term
HST108 S24 1 24 $100 $2,400
HST 121 S24     $106 Course not offered this term

MTH 067

S24 4 64 $142.82 $9,140.48
MTH 097 S24 4 41 $153.10 $6,277.10
MTH 125 S24     $92.86 No OER section this term

MTH 160

S24 1 24 $185 $4,440
MTH 169 S24     $104 Coming Winter 2025
MTH 176 S24 2 31 $156 $4,836

MTH 191

S24 1 30 $135 $4050

MTH 192

S24 14 367 $100 $36,700

MTH 197

S24 11 318 $190 $60,420
MTH 293 S24 19 530 $135 $71,550
MTH 295 S24     $100 No OER section this term

NUR 115

S24     $100* No OER section this term
PHL 101  S24 6 174 $52.50 $9,135
PHL 250 S24     $100* Course not offered this term
PHY 105 S24 2 44 $240 $10,560
PLS 241 S24     $17 Course not offered this term
PSY 100 S24 17 420 $100 $42,000

$100 is state number for savings

Savings for Winter 2024


Semester Sections Average Total Students Textbook Cost New Total Savings
ACS 123


1 15 $100* $1,500
ANT 201 W24 8 202 $100* $20,200

BIO 101

W24 12 238 $273.28 $65,040.64

BIO 162

W24 3 54 $104.75 $5,656.50
(this is a lab and lecture registration)

BIO 237

W24 5 113 $250 $28,250
(this is a lab and lecture registration)

BMG 101

W24 3 63 100* $6,300
BMG 109 W24 1 30 100* $3,000

BMG 111

W24 9 208 $226 $47,008

BMG 140



217 $93 $20,181
BMG 155 W24 3 68 $100* $6,800
BMG 160 W24 1 27 $114.29 $3,085.83
BMG 163 W24     $100* Course not offered this semester
BMG 165 W24 1 24 $143 $3,432
BMG 166 W24 1 24 $75 $1,800
BMG 168 W24 1 23 $118 $2,714
BMG 169 W24 1 19 $149 $2,831

BMG 207

W24 9 153 $80 $12,240
BMG 209 W24 1 25 $100* $2,500

BMG 230

W24 5 118 $114.30 $13,487.40

BMG 240

W24 4 62 $100 $6,200
BMG 273 W24 1 28 $50 $1,400

BMG 279

W24 3 38 $98.65 $3,748.70
BMG 291 W24 1 17 $75 $1,275

CEM 101

W24 10 204 $100* $20,400
CEM 105  W24 1 12 $100* $1,200

CEM 111

W24 8 172 $178.55 $30,710.60
CEM 122 W24 5 111 $178.55 $19,819.05
CIS 120 W24 5 122 $84 $10,248
CJT 100 W24 3 52 $71.40 $3,712.80

CJT 209

W24     $175 OER not offered this term

COM 101

W24 15 283 $64.30 $18,196.90

COM 102

W24 16 368 $188 $69,184

COM 142

W24 1 16 $97 $1,552
COM 200 W24 2 48 $100 $4,800

COM 225

W24 3 71 $24.95 $741.60
CPS 161 W24 3 74 $100* $7,400

CPS 171

W24 3 82 $90 $7,380

CPS 271

W24 2 39 $270 $10,530

CPS 272

W24 1 26 $240 $6,240
ECD 101  W24 2 50 $100 $5,000

ENG 090/091

W24 9 170 $91.65 $15,580.50

ENG 111

W24 54 1000 $72 book
$16.25 Writing Center Manual
$72,000 - book 
$16,250 - manual

ENG 226

W24 24 430 $84.55 $36,356.50
ENV 150 W24       Course coming Winter 25

ESL 023

W24 1 12

$58.65 writing book
$10 vocabulary book

$703.80 - writing book
$120 - vocabulary book

ESL 128

W24 2 28 $56 workbook $1,568 workbook
ESL 155 W24 1 7 $35 $245

GLG 100

W24 10 215 $125 $26,875
GLG 103 W24 1 10 $125 $1,250

GLG 110

W24 1 23


GLG 114 W24 2 41 $269 bk $122 lab   $11,029 bk, $5,002 lab
GLG 125 W24     $170.95 OER not offered this term

GLG 202

W24     $125 Course not offered this term

GRM 111/112

W24 1 15 $234 $3,510
HST108 W24 2 129 $100 $12,900
HST 121 W24 2 57 $106 $6,042

MTH 067

W24 9 174 $142.82 $24,850.68
MTH 097 W24 7 133 $153.10 $20,362.30
MTH 125 W24 2 25 $92.86 $2,321.50

MTH 160

W24     $185 No OER section this term
MTH 169 W24     $104 Coming Winter 2025
MTH 176 W24 3 67 $156 $10,452

MTH 191

W24     $135 No OER section this term

MTH 192

W24 6 160 $100 $16,000

MTH 197

W24 6 161 $190 $30,590
MTH 293 W24 12 323 $135 $32,300
MTH 295 W24 2 38 $100 $3,800

NUR 115

W24     $100* No OER section this term
PHL 101  W24 5 144 $52.50 $7,560
PHL 250 W24 1 19 $100* $1,900
PHY 105 W24 2 35 $240 $8,400
PLS 241 W24     $17 Course not offered this term
PSY 100 W24 24 634 $100 $63,400

$100 is state number for savings

Savings for Fall 2023


Semester Sections Average Total Students Textbook Cost New Total Savings
ACS 123


1 3 $100* $300 - late start
ANT 201 F23 3 51 $100* $5,100

BIO 101

F23 14 279 $273.28 $76,245.12

BIO 162

F23 4 85 $104.75 $8,903.75
(this is a lab and lecture registration)

BIO 237

F23 5 96 $250 $24,000
(this is a lab and lecture registration)

BMG 101/109

F23 3 67 100* $6,700

BMG 111

F23 7 190 $226 $42,940

BMG 140

F23 11 258 $93 $23,994
BMG 155 F23 2 56 $100* $5,600
BMG 160 F23 1 30 $114.29 $3,428.70
BMG 163 F23 1 23 $100* $2,300
BMG 165 F23 2 29 $143 $4,147
BMG 166 F23     $75 Course coming Winter 24
BMG 168 F23     $118 Course coming Winter 24
BMG 169 F23     $149 Course coming Winter 24

BMG 207

F23 7 189 $80 $15,120
BMG 209 F23 1 27 $100* $2,700

BMG 230

F23 5 108 $114.30 $12,344.40

BMG 240

F23 3 63 $100 $6,300
BMG 273 F23 2 43 $50 $2,150

BMG 279

F23 3 63 $98.65 $6,214.95
BMG 291 F23 1 24 $75 $1,800

CEM 101

F23 13 250 $100* $25,000
CEM 105  F23 1 17 $100* $1,700

CEM 111/122

F23 13 265 $178.55 $47,315.75
CIS 120 F23 6 166 $84 $13,944
CJT 100 F23 4 86 $71.40 $6,140.40

CJT 209

F23     $175 No OER this term

COM 101

F23 2 46 $64.30 $2,957.80

COM 102

F23 15 307 $188 $57,716

COM 142

F23     $97 Course not offered this term
COM 200 F23 3 66 $100 $6,600

COM 225

F23 2 61 $24.95 $1,521.95
CPS 161 F23 4 85 $100* $8,500

CPS 171

F23 5 131 $90 $11,790

CPS 271

F23 1 21 $270 $5,670

CPS 272

F23 1 25 $240 $1,200
ECD 101  F23 2 49 $100 $4,900

ENG 090/091

F23 8 162 $91.65 $14,847.30

ENG 111

F23 82 1395 $72 book
$16.25 Writing Center Manual
$100,440  - book 
$22,668.75 - manual

ENG 226

F23 16 248 $84.55 $20,968.40
ENV 150 F23       Course coming Winter 24

ESL 023

F23 1 14

$58.65 writing book
$10 vocabulary book

 $821.11- writing book
 $140 - vocabulary book

ESL 128

F23 1 21 $56 workbook $1,176 workbook
ESL 155 F23 1 9 $35 $315

GLG 100

F23 10 225 $125 $28,125
GLG 103 F23     $125 Course not offered this term

GLG 110

F23 2 46


GLG 114 F23 2 34 $269 bk $122 lab  $9,146 bk,  $4,148lab
GLG 125 F23 1 23 $170.95 $3,931.85

GLG 202

F23     $125 Course not offered this term

GRM 111/112

F23     $234 Course not offered this term
HST108 F23 3 53 $100 $5,300
HST 121 F23 2 35 $106 $3,710

MTH 067

F23 9 185 $142.82 $26,421.70
MTH 097 F23     $153.10 No OER section this term

MTH 160

F23     $185 No OER section this term
MTH 169 F23     $104 No OER section this term
MTH 176 F23     $156 No OER section this term

MTH 191

F23 1 30 $135 $4,050

MTH 192

F23 2 60 $100 $6,000

MTH 197

F23 6 131 $190 $24,890
MTH 293 F23 11 274 $135 $36,990
MTH 295 F23 1 17 $100 $1,700

NUR 115

F23     $100* No OER section this term
PHL 101  F23 6 170 $52.50 $8,925
PHL 250 F23 1 15 $100* $1,500
PHY 105 F23 2 30 $240 $7,200
PLS 241 F23     $17 Course not offered this term
PSY 100 F23 30 695 $100 $69,500

$100 is state number for savings

Savings for Spring/Summer 2023


Semester Sections Average Total Students Textbook Cost New Total Savings
ACS 123


1 12 $100* $1200
ANT 201 SS23     $100* No OER sections this term

BIO 101

SS23 6 100 $273.28 $27,328

BIO 162

SS23 2 21 $104.75 $2,199.75
(this is a lab and lecture registration)

BIO 237

SS23 4 34 $250 $8,500
(this is a lab and lecture registration)

BMG 101/109

SS23 3 80 100* $800

BMG 111

SS23 5 125 $226 $28,250

BMG 140

SS23 5 128 $93 $11,904 
BMG 160 SS23 1 22 $114.29 $2,514.38 
BMG 165 SS23     $143 Course coming Fall 23
BMG 166 SS23     $75 Course coming Fall 23
BMG 168 SS23     $118 Course coming Fall 23
BMG 169 SS23     $149 Course coming Fall 23

BMG 207

SS23 6 170 $80 $13,600
BMG 209 SS23 1 12 $100* $1200

BMG 230

SS23 3 85 $114.30 $9,715.50

BMG 240

SS23 2 46 $100 $4,600
BMG 273 SS23 1 22 $50 $1,100

BMG 279

SS23 2 42 $98.65 $4,143.30
BMG 291 SS23 1 30 $75 $2,250

CEM 101

SS23 4 67 $100* $6,700
CEM 105  SS23 1 15 $100* $1,500

CEM 111/122

SS23 6 100 $178.55 $17,855
CIS 120 SS23 3 78 $84 $6,552
CJT 100 SS23 1 30 $71.40 $2,142

CJT 209

SS23     $175 No OER this term

COM 101

SS23 1 17 $64.30 $1,093.10

COM 102

SS23 10 214 $188 $40,232

COM 142

SS23     $97 Course not offered this term
COM 200 SS23     $100 Course coming Fall 2023

COM 225

SS23 2 47 $24.95 $1,172.65
CPS 161 SS23 3 76 $100* $7,600

CPS 171

SS23 4 100 $90 $9,000

CPS 271

SS23 1 22 $270 $5,940

CPS 272

SS23 1 17 $240 $4,080
ECD 101  SS23     $100 Course not offered this term

ENG 090/091

SS23 2 34 $91.65 $3,116.10

ENG 111

SS23 25 479 $72 book
$16.25 Writing Center Manual
 $34,488 - book 
$7,733.75 - manual

ENG 226

SS23 10 180 $84.55 $15,219
ENV 150 SS23       Course coming Winter 24

ESL 023

SS23 1 7

$58.65 writing book
$10 vocabulary book

 $410.55 - writing book
 $70 - vocabulary book

ESL 128

SS23 1 8 $56 workbook $448 workbook
ESL 155 SS23     $35 Course not offered this term

GLG 100

SS23 4 85 $125 $10,625
GLG 103 SS23     $125 Course not offered this term

GLG 110

SS23 1 19


GLG 114 SS23 1 43 $269 bk $122 lab  $1,118 bk,  $5,246lab
GLG 125 SS23     $170.95 Course not offered this term

GLG 202

SS23     $125 Course not offered this term

GRM 111/112

SS23     $234 Course not offered this term
HST108 SS23     $100 No OER section this term
HST 121 SS23     $106 Course not offered this term

MTH 067

SS23     $142.82 No OER section this term
MTH 097 SS23     $153.10 No OER section this term

MTH 160

SS23     $185 No OER section this term
MTH 169 SS23     $104 No OER section this term
MTH 176 SS23     $156 No OER section this term

MTH 191

SS23     $135 No OER section this term

MTH 192

SS23     $100 No OER section this term

MTH 197

SS23     $190 No OER section this term
MTH 293 SS23 7 208 $135 $28,080

NUR 115

SS23     $100* No OER section this term
PHL 101  SS23 6 166 $52.50 $8,715
PHY 105 SS23 1 22 $240 $5,280
PLS 241 SS23     $17  
PSY 100 SS23 17 415 $100 $41,500

$100 is state number for savings

Savings for Winter 2023


Semester Sections Average Total Students Textbook Cost New Total Savings
ACS 123 W23 1 13 $100* $1,300
ANT 201 W23 2 47 $100* $4,700

BIO 101

W23 14 244 $273.28 $66,680.32

BIO 162

W23 3 72 $104.75 $7,542 (this is a lab and lecture registration)

BIO 237

W23 5 97 $250 $24,250 (this is a lab and lecture registration)

BMG 101/109

W23 4 106 100* $10,600

BMG 111

W23 9 226 $226 $51,076

BMG 140

W23 10 254 $93 $23,622
BMG 160 W23 1 30 $114.29 $3,428.70
BMG 165 W23 1 28 $158 $4,424

BMG 207

W23 8 191 $80 $15,280

BMG 230

W23 5 107 $114.30 $12,230.10

BMG 240

W23 3 62 $100 $6,200
BMG 273 W23 4 61 $50 $3,050

BMG 279

W23 3 47 $98.65 $4,636.55
BMG 291 W23 1 22 $75 $1,650

CEM 101

W23 10 206 $100* $20,600
CEM 105  W23 1 14 $100* $1,400

CEM 111/122

W23 13 226 $178.55 $40,209.95
CIS 120 W23 6 145 $84 $12,180
CJT 100 W23 1 11 $71.40 $785.40

CJT 209

W23     $175 No OER section 

COM 101

W23 4 90 $64.30 $5,787

COM 102

W23 15 328 $188 $61,664

COM 142

W23     $97 No section this term

COM 225

W23 2 58 $24.95 $1,447.10
CPS 161 W23 4 79 $100* $7,900

CPS 171

W23 5 129 $90 $11,610

CPS 271

W23 3 36 $270 $9,720

CPS 272

W23 2 15 $240 $3,600
ECD 101  W23 2 29 $100 $2,900

ENG 090/091

W23 4 70 $91.65 $6,415.50

ENG 111

W23 47 846 $72 book
$16.25 Writing Center Manual
$60,912 book
$13,747.50 manual

ENG 226

W23 25 450 $84.55 $38,047.50

ESL 023

W23 1 15

$58.65 writing book
$10 vocabulary book

$879.75 writing book
$150 vocabulary book

ESL 128

W23 1 17 $56 workbook $952 workbook
ESL 155 W23     $35 Course not offered this term.

GLG 100

W23 12 271 $125 $33,875
GLG 103 W23 1 13 $125 $1,625

GLG 110

W23 2 39


GLG 114 W23 2 39 $269 bk $122 lab  $10,491 bk, $4758 lab
GLG 125 W23 1 12 $170.95 $2051.40

GLG 202

W23     $125 Course not offered this term. 

GRM 111/112

W23 1 18 $234 $4,212
HST108 W23 3 81 $100 $8,100
HST 121 W23 2 44 $106 $4,664

MTH 067

W23     $142.82 No OER section this term

MTH 160

W23     $185 No OER section this term
MTH 169 W23 1 25 $104 $2,600
MTH 176 W23 2 50 $156 $7,800

MTH 191

W23 3 73 $135 $9,855

MTH 192

W23     $100 No OER section this term

MTH 197

W23 6 148 $190 $28,120
MTH 293 W23 3 90 $135 $12,150

NUR 115

W23     $100* No OER section this term
PHL 101  W32 6 174 $52.50 $9,135
PHY 105 W23 2 32 $240 $7680
PLS 241 W23     $17 Course not offered this term
PSY 100 W23 28 674 $100 $67,400
SPN 101 W23 1 17 $100* $1700

$100 is state number for savings

Savings for Fall 2022


Semester Sections Average Total Students Textbook Cost New Total Savings
ACS 123 F22 1 10 $100* $1,000
ANT 201 F22 2 43 $100* $4,300

BIO 101

F22 29 558 $273.28 152,490

BIO 162

F22 2 75 $104.75 $7,856.25 (this is a lab and lecture registration)

BIO 237

F22 4 100 $250 $25,000  (this is a lab and lecture registration)

BMG 101/109

F22 6 125 100* $12,500

BMG 111

F22 10 255 $226 $57,630

BMG 140

F22 13 313 $93 $29,109
BMG 160 F22 1 18 $114.29 $2,057.22
BMG 165 F22 1 20 $158 $,3,160

BMG 207

F22 8 202 $80 $16,160

BMG 230

F22 6 120 $114.30 $13,716

BMG 240

F22 4 65 $100 $6,500

BMG 279

F22 3 65 $98.65 $6,412.25
BMG 291 F22 2 35 $75 $2,625

CEM 101

F22 8 237 $100* $23,700 (this is a lab and lecture registration)
CEM 105  F22 2 36 $100* $3,600

CEM 111/122

F22 6 174 $178.55 $31,067.70 (this is a lab and lecture registration)
CIS 120 F22 6 151 $84 $12,684
CJT 100 F22 4 90 $71.40 $6,426

CJT 209

F22     $175 No OER sections available this term

COM 101

F22 2 39 $64.30 $2,507.70

COM 102

F22 15 323 $188 $60,724

COM 142

F22     $97 No sections offered this term

COM 225

F22 3 69 $24.95 $1,721.55
CPS 161 F22 4 52 $100* $5,200

CPS 171

F22 6 135 $90 $12,500

CPS 271

F22 2 22 $270 $5,940

CPS 272

F22 2 15 $240 $3,600
ECD 101  F22 2 59 $100 $5,900 (formerly under CCP)

ENG 090/091

F22 6 160 $91.65 $14,664

ENG 111

F22 77 1386 $72 book
$16.25 Writing Center Manual
$99,792 book
$10,530 (WC Manual - online sections only)

ENG 226

F22 19 342 $84.55 $32,129

ESL 023

F22 1 18

$58.65 writing book
$10 vocabulary book

$1055.70 writing book
$180 vocabulary book

ESL 128

F22 1 17 $56 $952
ESL 155 F22 1 17 $35 $595

GLG 100

F22 9 162 $125 $20,250
GLG 103 F22 1 12 $125 $1,500

GLG 110

F22 2 48


GLG 114 F22 2 48 $269 bk $122 lab  $12,912bk  $5,856 lab
GLG 125 F22     $170.95 No OER section this term

GLG 202

F22     $125 Not offered this term

GRM 111/112

F22 2 42 $234 $9,828
HST108 F22 4 120 $100 $12,000
HST 121 F22 2 60 $106 $6,360

MTH 067

F22     $142.82 No OER section this term

MTH 160

F22     $185 No OER section this term

MTH 191

F22 2 56 $135 $7,560

MTH 192

F22     $100 No OER section this term

MTH 197

F22 4 76 $190 $14,440
MTH 293 F22 2 60 $135 $8,100

NUR 115

F22     $100* No OER section this term
PHL 101  F22 6 150 $52.50 $7,875
PHY 105 F22       No OER this term (starts W23)
PLS 241 F22 1 15 $17 $255
PSY 100 F22 29 812 $100 $81,200

$100 is state number for savings

Savings for Spring/Summer 2022


Semester Sections Average Total Students Textbook Cost New Total Savings
ACS 123 S22 1 5 $100* $500
ANT 201 S22     $100* No OER sections offered this semester

BIO 101/102

S22 8 109 $273.28 $29,788 (this is a lab and lecture registration)

BIO 109/111

S22 6 262 $62.60 lab manual  $16,401 (only on-campus lab required to purchase lab manual)

BIO 162

S22 4 60 $104.75 $6,285

BIO 237

S22 10 99 $250 $24,750 (this is a lab and lecture registration)

BMG 101/109

S22 3 66 100* $6,600

BMG 111

S22 6 156 $226 $35,256 (one late start from Aug 1-28 need to update end of July)

BMG 140

S22 6 93 $93 $8,649 (one late start from Aug 1-28 need to update end of July)

BMG 207

S22 6 127 $80 $10,160 (one late start from Aug 1-28 need to update end of July)

BMG 230

S22 4 71 $114.30 $8,115

BMG 240

S22 3 44 $100* $4,400

BMG 279

S22 2 43 $98.65 $4,242

CCP 101

S22 3 90 $100* $9,157.50

CEM 101

S22 12 288 $100* $48,960
CEM 105  S22 1 15 $100* $1,500

CEM 111/122

S22 13 312 $178.55 $55,707.60
CIS 120 S22 5 106 $84 $8,904
CJT 100 S22 4 100 $71.40 $7,140

CJT 209

S22 1 25 $175 $4,375

COM 101

S22 2 50 $64.30 $3,215

COM 102

S22 8 176 $188 $33,088

COM 142

S22 1 14 $97 $1,358

COM 225

S22 1 30 $24.95 $749
CPS 161 S22 3 58 $100* $5,800

CPS 171

S22 3 83 $90 $7,470

CPS 271

S22 1 18 $270 $4,860

CPS 272

S22 1 19 $240 $4,560

ENG 090/091

S22 1 22 $91.65 $2,016.30

ENG 111

S22 23 460 $72 $33,120

ENG 226

S22 11 220 $84.55 $18,601

ESL 023

S22 1 10 $58.65 $586.50

ESL 128

S22     $56 No OER section offered this term.

GLG 100

S22 7 168 $125 $21,000
GLG 103 S22 1      

GLG 110

S22 1 34


GLG 114 S22 2 48 $269 bk $122 lab  $12,912 bk $5,856 lab
GLG 125 S22     $170.95 Course not offered this term.

GLG 202

S22     $125 Course not offered this term.

GRM 111/112

S22     $234 Course not offered this term.
HST108 S22     $100 No OER section offered this term.
HST 121 S22     $106 Course not offered this term.

MTH 067

S22     $142.82 No OER section offered this term. 

MTH 160

S22     $185 No OER section offered this term. 

MTH 191

S22     $150 No OER section offered this term. 

MTH 192

S22     $100 No OER section offered this term.

MTH 197

S22 5 150 $190 $28,500

NUR 115

S22     $100* No OER section offered this term. 
PHL 101  S22 5 150 $52.50 $7,875
PSY 100 S22 17 408 $100 $40,800

$100 is state number for savings

Savings for Winter 2022


Semester Sections Average Total Students Textbook Cost New Total Savings
ACS 123 W22 1 5 $100* $500
ANT 201 W22 2 46 $100* $4,600

BIO 101/102

W22 28 672 $273.28 $183,644.16

BIO 109/111

W22 15 360 $62.60 lab manual  $22,536 (only on-campus lab required to purchase lab manual)

BIO 162

W22 3 60 $104.75 $6,285

BIO 237

W22 7 168 $250 $24,941.20

BMG 101/109

W22 4 84 100* $8,400

BMG 111

W22 8 240 $226 $54,204

BMG 140

W22 15 450 $93 $41,782.50

BMG 207

W22 10 250 $80 $20,000

BMG 230

W22 10 180 $114.30 $20,574

BMG 240

W22 7 175 $100* $17,500

BMG 279

W22 7 140 $98.65 $13,811

CCP 101

W22 3 90 $100* $9,157.50

CEM 101

W22 12 288 $100* $48,960
CEM 105  W22 1 15 $100* $1,500

CEM 111/122

W22 13 312 $178.55 $55,707.60

CEM 140

W22       No OER sections offered this semester.
CIS 120 W22 5 106 $84 $8,904
CJT 100 W22 4 100 $71.40 $7,140

CJT 209

W22 1 25 $175 $4,375

COM 101

W22 3 75 $64.30 $4,822.5

COM 102

W22 15 375 $188 $70,500

COM 142

W22 1 14 $97 $1,358

COM 225

W22 2 60 $24.95 $1,497
CPS 161 W22 4 83 $100* $8,300

CPS 171

W22 6 118 $90 $10,620

CPS 271

W22 3 64 $270 $17,280

CPS 272

W22 3 26 $240 $6,240 (**One section late start for April- need to update)

ENG 090/091

W22 3 48 $91.65 $4,399.20

ENG 111

W22 54 912 $72 $65,664

ENG 226

W22 26 432 $84.55 $36,525.60

ESL 023

W22 1 14 $58.65 $821.11

ESL 128

W22 2 35 $56 $1960

GLG 100

W22 11 264 $125 $33,000

GLG 110

W22 2 48


GLG 114 W22 2 48 $269 bk $122 lab  $12,912 bk, $5856 lab

GLG 202

W22 1 24 $125 $3000

GRM 111/112

W22 2 48 $234 $11,232
HST108 W22 6 156 $100 $15,600
HST 121 W22 1 30 $106 $3180

MTH 067

W22     $142.82 No OER sections offered this term.

MTH 160

W22     $185  

MTH 191

W22     $150 No OER sections offered this term.

MTH 192

W22     $100 No OER sections offered this term.

MTH 197

W22 5 126 $190 $23,940

NUR 115

W22     $100* No OER sections offered this term.
PHL 101  W22 6 180 $52.50 $9,450
PSY 100 W22 28 741 $100 $74,100

$100 is state number for savings

Savings for Fall 2021


Semester Sections Average Total Students Textbook Cost New Total Savings

BIO 101/102

F21 23 552 $273.28 $150,850.56

BIO 109/111

F21 9 216 $62.60 lab manual $13,521.60 (only on-campus lab required to purchase lab manual)

BIO 162

F21 4 96 $104.75 $10,056

BIO 237

F21 8 192 $250 $48,000

BMG 101/109

F21 7 134 100* $13,400

BMG 111

F21 8 214 $226 $48,364

BMG 140

F21 13 289 $93 $26,877

BMG 207

F21 8 183 $80 $14,640

BMG 230

F21 6 106 $114.30 $12,115.80

BMG 240

F21 3 69 $100* $6,900

BMG 279

F21 3 45 $98.65 $4,439.25

CCP 101

F21 2 58 $100* $5,800

CEM 101

F21 13 312 $100* $31,200

CEM 111/122

F21 10 240 $178.55 $42,852

CEM 140

F21     $100* No OER section this semester 
CJT 100 F21 1 5 $71.40 $357

CJT 209

F21     $175 No OER section this semester

COM 101

F21     $64.30 No OER section this semester

COM 102

F21 17 351 $188 $65,988

COM 142

F21     $97 Course not offered this semester

COM 225

F21 2 39 $24.95 $973.05
CPS 161 F21 4 72 $100* $7,200

CPS 171

F21 5 104 $90 $9,360

CPS 271

F21 2 6 $270  $4,590

CPS 272

F21 3 12 $240 $1,270

ENG 090/091

F21 8 160 $91.65 $14,664

ENG 111

F21 64 1,280 $72 $92,160

ENG 226

F21 17 340 $84.55 $28,747

ESL 023

F21 1 10 $58.65 $586.50

ESL 128

F21 1 20 $56 $1,120

GLG 100

F21 11 242 $125 $30,250

GLG 110

F21 1 24


GLG 114 F21 3 51 $269 bk $122 lab  $13,719 bk $6,222 lab

GLG 202

F21 1 22 $125 $2,750

GRM 111/112

F21 2 50 $234 $11,700

MTH 067

F21     $142.82 No OER section this term

MTH 160

F21     $185 No OER section this term

MTH 191

F21     $150 No OER section this term

MTH 192

F21     $100 No OER section this term

MTH 197

F21 2 60 $190 $11,400

NUR 115

F21     $100* No OER section this term
PHL 101  F21 5 140 $52.50 $7,300
PSY 100 F21 29 870 $100 $87,000

$100 is state number for savings

Savings for Spring/Summer 2021


Semester Sections Average Total Students Textbook Cost New Total Savings

ANT 201

SS21 0   $53.95 text + $26.98 workbook = $80.93 No OER section this semester

BIO 101/102

SS21 9 195 $273.28 $53,289.60

BIO 109/111

SS21 6 144 $62.60 lab manual $9,014.40

BIO 162

SS21 1 24 $104.75 $2,514

BIO 237

SS21 4 96 $250 $24,000

BMG 101/109

SS21 3 63 100* $6,300

BMG 111

SS21 6 134 (update in late July) $226 $30,284  (update with late start)

BMG 140

SS21 8 160 $93 $14,880 

BMG 207

SS21 6 136  $80 $10,800 

BMG 230

SS21 4 66 $100* $6,600

BMG 240

SS21 2 38 $100* $3,800

BMG 279

SS21 0   $98.65 No section offered this semester

CCP 101

SS21 0   $100* No section offered this semester

CEM 101

SS21 5 106 $100* $10,600

CEM 111/122

SS21 8 180 $178.55 $32,139

CEM 140

SS21 2 48 $100* $4,800

CJT 209

SS21 0   $175 No OER section this semester

COM 101

SS21 0   $64.30 No OER section this semester

COM 102

SS21 10 216 $188 $40,608

COM 142

SS21 0   $97 Course not offered this semester

COM 225

SS21 1 21 $24.95 $523.95
CPS 161 SS21 3 58 $100* $5,800

CPS 171

SS21 3 63 $90 $5,670

CPS 271

SS21 2 21 $270  $5,670

CPS 272

SS21 1 10  $240 $2,400

ENG 090/091

SS21 3 60 $91.65 $5,499

ENG 111

SS21 2 40 $72 $2,880

ENG 226

SS21 11 220 $84.55 $18,601

ESL 023

SS21     $58.65 Course not offered this semester

ESL 128

SS21 1 12 $56 $672

GLG 100

SS21 5 110 $125 $13,750

GLG 110

SS21 2 48


GLG 114 SS21 2 40 $269 bk $122 lab  $10,760 bk $4880

GLG 202

SS21 1 22 $125 $2,750

GRM 101/111

SS21 1 24 $234 $5,616

MTH 067

SS21     $142.82 No OER section this term

MTH 160

SS21     $100* No OER section this term

MTH 191

SS21     $150 No OER section this term

MTH 192

SS21     $100 No OER section this term

MTH 197

SS21 3 90 $190 $17,100

NUR 115

SS21     $100* No OER section this term
PHL 101  SS21 7 196 $52.50 $10,290
PSY 100 SS21 17 510 $100 $51,000

$100 is state number for savings

Savings for Winter 2021


Semester Sections Average Total Students Textbook Cost New Total Savings

ANT 201

W21 0   $53.95 text + $26.98 workbook = $80.93 No OER section this term

BIO 101/102

W21 19 456 $273.28 $124,615

BIO 109/111

W21 18 432 $62.60 lab manual $27,043

BIO 161/162

W21 6 144 $104.75 $15,084

BIO 237

W21 7 168 $250 $42,000

BMG 101/109

W21 7 132 100* $13,200

BMG 111

W21 8 200 $226 $45,200

BMG 140

W21 9 224 $93 $20,832

BMG 207

W21 8 151 $80 $12,080

BMG 230

W21 5 100 $100* $10,000

BMG 240

W21 2 49 $100* $4,900

BMG 279

W21 4 75 $98.65 $7,398.75

CCP 101

W21 1 29 $100* $2,900

CEM 101

W21 12 288 $100* $28,000

CEM 111/122

W21 9 189 $178.55 $33,746

CEM 140

W21 3 61 $100* $6,100

CJT 209

W21     $175 Course not offered this semester

COM 101

W21 1 24 $64.30 $1,543

COM 102

W21 18 399 $188 $75,012

COM 142

W21 1 20 $97 $1,940

COM 225

W21 2 45 $24.95 $1,122.75

CPS 161

W21 4 67 $100* $6,700

CPS 171

W21 5 93 $90 $8,370

CPS 271

W21 3 45 $270 $12,150

CPS 272

W21 3 44 $240 $10,560

ENG 090/091

W21 11 220 $91.65 $20,163

ENG 111

W21 2 40 $72 $2,880

ENG 226

W21 18 360 $84.55 $30,438

ESL 023

W21 1 7 $58.65 $410.55

ESL 128

W21     $56 Course not offered this semester

GLG 100

W21 10 220 $125 $27,500

GLG 114

W21 3 51

$269 bk $122 lab

$13,719 bk $6,222 lab

GLG 202

W21 1 22 $125 $2,750

GRM 101/111

W21 1 25 $234 $5,850

MTH 067

W21     $142.82 No OER section this term

MTH 160

W21 3 90 $100* $9,000

MTH 191

W21     $150 No OER section this term

MTH 192

W21     $100 No OER section this term

MTH 197

W21 4 120 $190 $22,800

NUR 115

W21     $100* No OER section this term
PHL 101  W21 6 168 $52.50 $8,820
PSY 100 W21 29 870 $100 $87,000

$100 is state number for savings

Savings for Fall 2020

Course Term Sections Average Total Students Textbook Cost New Total Savings
ANT 201 F20 1 7 $53.95 text + $26.98 workbook = $80.93 $566.51
BIO 101/102 F20 16 624 $273.28 170,526.72
BIO 109/111 F20 23 552 $62.60 lab manual $34,555.20
BIO 161/162 F20 6 144 $104.75 $15,084
BIO 237 F20 7 168 $250 $42,000
BMG 101/109 F20 5 150 $100* $15,000
BMG 111 F20 8 230 $226 $51,980
BMG 140 F20 5 150 $93 $13,927.50
BMG 207 F20 6 170 $80.00 $13,600
BMG 230 F20 6 180 $100* $18,000
BMG 240 F20 4 120 $100 $12,000
BMG 279 F20 3 60 $98.65 $5,919
CCP 101 F20 2 35 $100* $3,500
CEM 101 F20 13 312 $100* $31,200
CEM 111/122 F20 14 336 $178.55 $59,992.80
CEM 140 F20 3 72 $100* $7,200
CJT 209 F20 2 22 $175 $3,850
COM 101 F20 2 50 $64.30 $3,215
COM 102 F20 10 250 $188.00 $48,000
COM 142 F20     $97.00 Course not offered this term.
COM 225 F20 1 30 $24.95 $748.50
CPS 161 F20 5 150 $100.00 $15,000
CPS 171 F20 5 96 $90.00 $8,640
CPS 271 F20 4 57 $270 $15,390 some late start
CPS 272 F20 4 30 $240 $7,200 some late start
ENG 090/091 F20 1 20 $91.65 $1,833
ENG 111 F20     $72 Starting W20
ENG 226 F20 13 260 $84.55 $21,983
ESL 023 F20     $58.65 Course not offered this term.
ESL 128 F20 1 12 $56 $672
GLG 100 F20 14 295 $125 $36,875
GLG 114 F20 3 49 $269 bk    $122 lab $13,181 bk  $5,978 lab
GLG 202 F20 1 22 $125 $2,750
GRM 101/111 F20 2 50 $234 $11,700
MTH 067 F20     $142.82 No OER section this term
MTH 160 F20     $100*  
MTH 191 F20     $150 No OER section this term
MTH 192 F20 2 60 $100 $6,000
MTH 197 F20 4 120 $190 $22,800
NUR 115 F20 4 120 $100 $12,000
PSY 100 F20 25 750 $100 $75,000

*$100 is state number for savings

Savings for Summer 2020

Course Term Sections Average Total Students Textbook Cost New Total Savings
BIO 101/102 S20     $273.28 Course not offered this semester
BIO 109/111 S20 7 217 $62.60 lab manual $13,584
BIO 161/162 S20     $104.75 Course not offered this semester
BIO 237 S20     $249.65 Course not offered this semester
BMG 101/109 S20 3 61 $100* $6,100
BMG 111 S20 6 150 $225.85 $34,008.50
BMG 140 S20 5 150 $92.85 $13,927.50
BMG 207 S20 6 170 $80.00 $13,600
CEM 101 S20 5 120 $100* $12,000
CEM 111/122 S20     $178.55 Course not offered this semester
CEM 140 S20     $100* Course not offered this semester
CJT 209 S20       Course not offered this semester
COM 101 S20     $64.30 No OER section this term
COM 102 S20 10 250 $188.00 $48,000
COM 225 S20 1 30 $24.95 $748.50
CPS 161 S20 3 75 $100.00 $7,500
CPS 171 S20 3 77 $90.00 $6,930
CPS 271 S20 2 33 $270 $8,910
CPS 272 S20 1 30 $240 $7,200
ENG 090/091 S20     $91.65 No OER section this term
ENG 226 S20 13 260 $84.55 $21,983
ESL 128 S20 1 12 $56 $672
GLG 114 S20 2 30 $269 bk    $122 lab $8,070 bk  $3,660 lab
GRM 101/111 S20     $234 Course not offered this semester
MTH 067 S20     $142.82 No OER section this term
MTH 191 S20     $150 No OER section this term
MTH 160 S20 1 30 $194 $5,820
MTH 192 S20 1 30 $100 $3,000
MTH 197 S20 3 90 $190 $17,100
NUR 115 S20 2 37 $100 $3,700
PSY 100 S20 8 240 $100 $24,000

*$100 is state number for savings

Savings for Winter 2020

Course Term Sections Average Total Students Textbook Cost New Total Savings
BIO 101/102 W20 26 624 $273.28 $170,526.72
BIO 109/111 W20 3 90 $62.60 lab manual $5,634
BIO 161/162 W20 4 96 $104.75 $10,056
BIO 237 W20 6 144 $249.65 $35,949.60
BMG 101/109 W20 6 180 $100* $18,000
BMG 111 W20 11 330 $225.85 $74,530.50
BMG 140 W20 11 330 $92.85 $30,640.50
BMG 207 W20 9 270 $80.00 $21,600
CEM 101 W20 11 264 $100* $26,400
CEM 111/122 W20 14 336 $178.55 $59,992.80
CEM 140 W20 2 48 $100* $4,800
CJT 209 W20       Course not offered this semester
COM 101 W20 9 225 $64.30 $14,467.50
COM 102 W20 17 425 $188.00 $79,900
COM 225 W20 2 60 $24.95 $1,497
CPS 161 W20 5 150 $100.00 $15,000
CPS 171 W20 5 120 $90.00 $10,800
CPS 271 W20 2 48 $270 $12,960
CPS 272 W20 2 48 $240 $11,520
ENG 090/091 W20 2 44 $91.65 $4,032.60
ENG 226 W20 13 DL 260 $84.55 $21,983
ESL 128 W20     $56 Course not offered this semester
GLG 114 W20 2 48 $269 bk    $122 lab $12,912  bk $5,856 lab
GRM 101/111 W20 2 50 $234 $11,700
MTH 067 W20 4 88 $142.82 $12,586.16
MTH 191 W20 2 60 $150 $9,000
MTH 192 W20       No OER section this term
NUR 115 W20 5 144 $100 $14,400
PSY 100 W20 26 780 $100 $78,000

*$100 is state number for savings

Savings for Fall 2019 

Course Term Sections Average Total Students Textbook Cost New Total Savings
BIO 101/102 F19 27 648 $273.28 $177,085.44
BIO 109/111 F19 18 384 $62.60 lab manual $24,038.4
BIO 161/162 F19 4 96 $104.75 $10,056
BIO 237 F19 7 168 $249.65 $41,941
BMG 101/109 F19 3 90 $100* $9,000
BMG 111 F19 12 360 $225.85 $81,306
BMG 140 F19 13 390 $92.85 $36,211.50
BMG 207 F19 10 300 $80.00 $24,000
CEM 101 F19 12 288 $100* $28,800
CEM 111/122 F19 12 336 $178.55 $59,992.80
CEM 140 F19 2 48 $100* $4,800
CJT 209 F19 2 60 $175.00 $10,500
COM 101 F19 9 225 $64.30 $14,467.50
COM 102 F19 16 400 $188.00 $75,200
COM 225 F19 3 90 $24.95 $2,245.50
CPS 161 F19 5 132 $100.00 $13,200
CPS 171 F19 5 126 $90.00 $11,340
CPS 271 F19 2 48 $270 $12,960
CPS 272 F19 2 48 $240 $11,520
ENG 090/091 F19 7 154 $91.65 $14,114.10
ENG 226 F19 11 220 $84.55 $18,601
ESL 128 F19 1 22 $56 $1,232
GLG 114 F19 3 72 $269 bk    $122 lab $19,368  bk $8,784 lab
GRM 101/111 F19 2 50 $234 $11,700
MTH 067 F19 5 110 $142.82 $15,710.20
MTH 191/192 F19 3 90 $150 $13,500
NUR 115 F19 5 144 $100* $14,400
PSY 100 F19 23 690 $100 $69,000

*$100 is state number for savings

Savings for Spring/Summer 2019

Course Term Sections Average Total Students Textbook Cost New Total Savings
BIO 101/102 S19 11 264 $273.28 $72,146
BIO 109/111 S19 6 144 $62.60 lab manual $9,015
BIO 237 S19 5 120 $249.65 $29,958
BMG 111 S19 6 180 $225.85 $40,653
BMG 140 S19 5 150 $92.85 $13,927.50
BMG 207 S19 5 150 $80.00 $12,000
CEM 101 S19 4 96 $100* $9,600
CEM 111/122 S19 7 168 $178.55 $29,996.40
CEM 140 S19 2 48 $100* $4,800
COM 101 S19 4 100 $64.30 $6,430
COM 102 S19 8 240 $188.00 $45,120
COM 225 S19 1 30 $24.95 $748.50
CPS 161 S19 3 90 $100.00 $9,000
CPS 171 S19 4 84 $90.00 $7,560
CPS 271 S19 1 30 $270 $8,100
CPS 272 S19 1 30 $240 $7,200
ENG 226 (Online classes only) S19 11 220 $84.55 $18,601
ESL 128 S19 1 22 $56 $1,232
GLG 114 S19 2 48 $269 bk    $122 lab $12,912  bk, $5,856 lab
MTH 067 S19 5 110 $142.82 $15,710.20
MTH 191/192 S19 12 360 $150 $54,000
NUR 115 S19 5 144 $100* $14,400
PSY 100 S19 8 240 $100 24,000

*$100 is state number for savings

Savings for Winter 2019

Course Term Sections Average Total Students Textbook Cost New Total Savings
BIO 101/102 W19 26 624 $273.28 $170,527
BIO 109/111 W19 18 384 $62.60 lab manual $27,043.20
BIO 161/162 W19 3 96 $104.75 $7,542
BIO 237 W19 7 168 $249.65 $41,941
BMG 111 W19 10 330 $225.85 $67,755
BMG 140 W19 14 390 $92.85 $38,997
BMG 207 W19 9 300 $80.00 $21,600
CEM 101 W19 11 240 $100* $24,000
CEM 111/122 W19 12 336 $178.55 $51,422.40
CEM 140 W19 2 48 $100* $4,800
CJT 209 W19 2 60 $175.00 $10,500
COM 101 W19 7 175 $64.30 $11,252.50
COM 102 W19 15 350 $188.00 $70,500
COM 142 W19 1 25 $100* $2,500
COM 225 W19 3 75 $24.95 $2,246
CPS 161 W19 5 120 $100.00 $12,000
CPS 171 W19 4 96 $90.00 $8,640
ENG 090/091 W19 10 220 $91.65 $20,163
ENG 226 (Online classes 
W19 14 280  $84.55 $23,674
ESL 128 W19 2 44 $56 $2,464
GLG 114 W19 4 72 $269 bk    $122 lab $25,824 bk $11,712 lab
GRM 101/111/122 W19 3 75 $234 $17,550
MTH 067 W19 3 22 $142.82 $9426.12
MTH 191/192 W19 3 90 $150 $13,500
NUR 115 W19 5 144 $100* $14,400

*$100 is state number for savings

Savings for Fall 2018
Course Term Sections Average Total Students Textbook Cost New Total Savings
BIO 101/102 F18 26 624 $273.28 $170,527
BIO 109/111 F18 18 432 $62.60 lab manual $27,043.20
BIO 161/162 F18 3 72 $104.75 $7,542
BIO 237 F18 7 168 $249.65 $41,941
BMG 111 F18 10 300 $225.85 $67,755
BMG 140 F18 14 420 $92.85 $38,997
BMG 207 F18 9 270 $80.00 $21,600
CEM 111/122 F18 12 288 $178.55 $51,422.40
CJT 209 F18 2 60 $175.00 $10,500
COM 101 F18 9 225 $64.30 $14,467.50
COM 102 F18 15 375 $188.00 $70,500
COM 142 F18 not offered      
COM 225 F18 3 90 24.95 $2,246
CPS 161 F18 5 120 $100.00 $12,000
CPS 171 F18 4 96 $90.00 $8,640
ENG 090/091 F18 7 154 $91.65 $14,114.10
ENG 226 F18 11 220 $84.55 $18,601
GLG 114 F18 4 96 $269 bk    $122 lab $25,824 bk $11,712 lab
GRM 111 F18 1 24 $234 $5616
GRM 122 F18 1 24 $234 $5616
MTH 067 F18 3 22 $142.82 $9426.12
MTH 097 F18     $153.10  
MTH 191/192 F18 3 90 $150 $13,500

Savings for Spring / Summer 2018

Course Term Sections Average Total Students Textbook Cost New Total Savings
BIO 101/102 S18 10 240 $273.28 $65,587
BIO 109/111 S18 6 144 $62.60 lab manual $9,014.40
BIO 161/162 S18   Not offered this term    
BIO 237 S18 5 120 $249.65 $29,958
BMG 111 S18 6 180 $225.85 $40,653
CEM 111/122 S18 7 168 $178.55 $29,996.40
CJT 209 S18 1 30 $99 $2,790
COM 101 S18 4 100 $64.30 $6,430
COM 102 S18 6 150 $188.00 $28,200
COM 142 S18   Not offered this semester    
COM 225 S18 1 30 $24.95 $748.50
ENG 214 S18 1 30 $85.00 $2,550
ENG 226 S18 11 220 $84.55 $18,601
GLG 114 S18 2 48 $269 bk    $122 lab $12,912 bk $5,856 lab
MTH 097 S18   No sections using OER    
NUR 115 S18 4 120 $271.80 $32,616

Savings for Winter 2018

Course Term Sections Average Total Students Textbook Cost New Total Savings
BIO 101/102 W18 27 648 $273.28 $177,086
BIO 109/111 W18 17 408 $62.60 lab manual $25,540.80
BIO 161/162 W18 3 72 $104.75 $7,542
BIO 237 W18 7 168 $249.65 $41,941
BMG 111 W18 11 330 $225.85 $74,531
CEM 111/122 W18 14 336 $178.55 $59,993
COM 101 W18 9 225 $64.30 $14,467.50
COM 102 W18 13 325 $188.00 $61,100
COM 142 W18 1 25 $97.00 $2,425
COM 225 W18 3 90 $24.95 $2,205
ENG 214 W18 1 30 $85.00 $2,550
ENG 226 W18 14 280 $84.55 $23,674
GLG 114 W18 3 72 $269 bk    $122 lab $19,368 bk $8,784 lab
MTH 097 W18 2 60 $153.10 $9,186
MUS 140/142 W18 6 150 $55.70 $8,355
MUS 180 W18   Not offered this term    
NUR 115 W18 5 150 $271.80 $40,770
Savings for Fall 2017
Course Term Sections Average Total Students Textbook Cost New Total Savings
BIO 101/102 F17 30 720 $273.28 $196,762
BIO 109/111 F17 17 408 $62.60 lab manual $25,540.80
BIO 161/162 F17 3 72 $104.75 $7,542
BIO 237 F17 8 192 $249.65 $47,933
BMG 111 F17 8 240 $225.85 $54,204
CEM 111/122 F17 12 288 $178.55 $51,422.40
COM 101 F17 9 225 $64.30 $14,467.50
COM 102 F17 15 375 $188.00 $70,500
COM 142 F17 1 25 $97.00 $2,425
COM 225 F17 2 30 24.95 $1,497
ENG 226 F17 11 220 $84.55 $18,601
GLG 114 F17 1 24 $269 bk    $122 lab $6,456 bk $2,928 lab
MTH 097 F17 2 60 $153.10 $9,186
NUR 115 F17 3 72 $271.80 $19,570.00


WCC Open Educators

Academic Skills Department
ACS 123 S. McCarthy

Anthropology Department
ANT 201 M. Bazner

Art Department:
ART 130 K. Graves

Biology Department:
BIO 101 B. Metz, A. Heise, S. Dentel, E. Thompson (all sections)
BIO 102 B. Metz, A. Heise, S. Dentel, E. Thompson 
BIO 162 E. Thompson (all sections)
BIO 237 A. Heise (all sections)

Business Department:
BMG 101/109 A. Terry (all sections)
BMG 111 D. Waters (all sections)
BMG 140 D. Waters (all sections)
BMG 155 D. Rochester (all sections)
BMG 160 D. Rochester (all sections)
BMG 165 A. Terry (all sections)
BMG 166 A. Terry (all sections)
BMG 168 A. Terry (all sections)
BMG 169 A. Terry (all sections)
BMG 207 C. Byrne (all sections)
BMG 209 A. Terry (all sections)
BMG 230 S. Ferguson (all sections)
BMG 240 C. Byrne (all sections)
BMG 273 C. Byrne (all sections)
BMG 279 C. Byrne (all sections)
BMG 291 C. Byrne (all sections)
UAS 111 C. Byrne (all sections)

Chemistry Department:
CEM 101 K. Butcher (all sections)
CEM 105 K. Butcher (all sections)
CEM 111/122 T. Schwab (all sections)

Communication Department:
COM 101 C. Sparklin, B. Tew 
COM 102 C. Sparklin, B. Tew (all sections)
COM 142 C. Sparklin (all sections)
COM 200 C. Sparklin 
COM 225 C. Sparklin (all sections)

Computer Information Systems Department:
CIS 120 S. Shaper (all sections)

Computer Science Department:
CPS 141 M. Galea
CPS 161 K. Mansour (all sections)
CPS 171 K. Mansour (all sections)
CPS 271 K. Mansour (all sections)
CPS 272 K. Mansour (all sections)

Criminal Justice Department:
CJT 100 K. Lindsey (all sections)
CJT 209 R. Walsh

Early Childhood Education:
ECD 101 B. Marshall (all sections)

English Department:
ENG 090/091  E. Querijero
ENG 111 A. Anderson (all online sections)
ENG 111 Writing Center T. Zimmerman (all sections)
ENG 140 M. Barrie
ENG 200 T. Zimmerman
ENG 214 M. Barrie
ENG 226 M. Mullalond (all online sections)

English as a Second Language Department:
ESL 023 H. Zettelmaier, B. Foss (all sections)
ESL 128 H. Zettelmaier (all sections)
ESL 155 H. Zettelmaier (all sections)

Environmental Science
ENV 200 B. Gruber & S. Malpani (all sections)

Foreign Languages Department:
GRM 111  C. Roszell (all sections)
GRM 122 C. Roszell (all sections)

Geology Department:
GLG 100 S. Albach (all sections)
GLG 103 S. Albach (all sections)
GLG 110 S. Albach (all sections)
GLG 114 K. Fuks (all sections)
GLG 125 S. Albach (all sections)
GLG 202 S. Albach (all sections)

History Department:
HST 108 I. Rush (all sections)
HST 121 I. Rush

Humanities Department:
HUM 146, J. Baker

Mathematics Department:
MTH 067 J. Davis
MTH 097 B. Hatcher
MTH 125 J. Davis
MTH 160 V. Vega
MTH 169 B. Hatcher
MTH 176 L. Gilbert
MTH 191 L. David, C. Taylor
MTH 192 L. David, M. Quail, M. Quail
MTH 197 L. David 
MTH 293 M. Quail, M. Quail
MTH 295 L. David

Nursing Department:
NUR 115 M. Burns-Coral (all sections)

Philosophy Department:
PHL 101 C. Johnson (all online sections)
PHL 244 M. Bungo
PHL 250 C. Johnson

Physics Department:
PHY 105 W. Bu

Political Science Department:
PLS 241 L. Rivers

Psychology Department:
PSY 100 M. Ortega