This course is using a Free OER (Open Educational Resources) textbook. In addition to saving you money, this textbook is made available under an open license that allows you to:
Copy important sections and paste them in your notes. Pro tip, add (OER, Chapter #) after pasting content in case you need to go back to the source.
If you would like to request that print copies of your textbook be available for purchase in the bookstore, make sure to coordinate with the bookstore ahead of the semester:
Upon request, departments can be provided with up to five (5) copies of a newly adopted OER textbook. This total of five (5) includes any copies that the department would like to be placed on Reserve in the library for student use. Any additional or future copies of the textbook need to be purchased through department funds.
Washtenaw Community College – Bailey Library | 4800 East Huron River Dr., Ann Arbor MI 48105-4800
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