Discussion board 1 Topic of interest in chemistry:
Need a topic for your discussion? Review the e-book for ideas.
Kitchen - cooking, baking, storing food
Cleaning - chemicals, bleach, soap
Medicine - pills, supplements, research new medicines
Environment - agriculture, pollution, climate change, sustainability, environmental issues
To access all of the WCC Research Databases use the link below the video instruction. Search any database that relates to you topic.
Source: (2019). How I read a scholarly article. University of Illinois Undergraduate Library https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZS1Beio11M&feature=emb_logo
Source: Dissecting of the article. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ho4ANKQTO3k&feature=youtu.be
Note: The background dissection of the article is from New Literacies Alliance.
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