Basic steps for checking out and downloading a book to your computer.
You may want to watch this EBSCO video on downloading eBooks.
- Search the library catalog or EBSCO eBooks and locate a book you want to check out.
- Click on the PDF Full Text and/or EPUB Full Text link to pull up the book.
- Click on the eBook's Download link.
- You will see the message:
"Please sign in to your My EBSCOhost account to check availability and download" if you are not already signed in with your MyEBSCOhost account.
- You will see a pop-up box asking you to "Checkout & Download" the title you selected.
- You will see a pop-up box with the message "This eBook was checked out successfully."
- You will see a dialog box asking if you want to "Open with Adobe Digital Edition" or "Save File". If you choose "Open with", you will bring up the book in Adobe Digital Editions. If you select "Save File", the file will be saved to your computer. You can read it later.
- Find the Adobe Digital Editions program on your computer. Open the program to read the book you checked out.
- eBooks are only available for a limited checkout period.