Have you ever searched and received no results or way too many? Library databases do not search like Google, so it is important to understand how to choose your search terms and how to combine them to be a more successful searcher. With library databases, YOU have the search power. Read the information below to learn about how to choose keywords and how to combine your keywords to broaden and narrow your search results.
Mind Mapping |
Start a mind map to brainstorm possible topics related to your research.
Some basic questions to get you started based on the assignment: Your topic: cultural competence (different than your own cultural, religious or minority group) Medical profession: Radiography or radiographer or medical imaging |
Complete the chart based on your selected topic you are researching to propose a solution, understanding,or improvement.
Draw four boxes to address the main concept of your research topic.
TOPIC cultural competence |
POPULATION Hispanic/Latino |
GROUP ANALYSIS Attitudes Toward Health and Healthcare:
Customs, Traditions, or Challenges:
Combine concepts with AND to find more relevant sources
transcultural care AND veterans
culturally responsive care AND muslim patients
hearing impaired patients AND communication AND diagnostic imaging
Use “double quotes” to find exact phrases
"culturally responsive care"
“diagnostic imaging”
Use ORs and parentheses to combine synonyms or multiple topics
(veterans OR military OR soldiers OR servicemen)
(culture OR cultural OR ethnicity OR identity OR values)
(healthcare OR health care)
Tip: CINAHL Complete will help you with terminology
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