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Dig In!

Events & Activities


Financial Fitness with UMCU

Wed. Sep. 16 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Event Link:

This online, interactive workshop will cover:

  • Keys to building financial wellness
  • 5 common money mistakes of young adults
  • Strategies for saving money
  • How to establish credit

All participants will be entered into a drawing for a $25 Visa gift card. There are three gift cards up for grabs - don't miss out!


Make a Connection: Dig In to the Bailey Library Website

The theme for September at the Bailey Library is "Dig In to Your Future". So dig in to the Bailey Library website and discover all the amazing resources available to support your success at WCC. Complete the scavenger hunt of the Bailey Library website, enter your name and contact information and we will mail you a Bailey Library swag bag full of goodies! 

Dig in here: Dig in to the Bailey Library Website 

The Dig In to the Bailey Library Website activity will be available until Sept. 30, 2020. 

Dig Deeper: Goals

Your Future Self

Dan Gilbert is a Harvard psychologist and a leading expert on happiness. In this talk, Gilbert explores why we make decisions that our future selves regret and how we can avoid it.

Financial Fitness

Developing a Savings Plan from UMCU.