"Visualgeography.com lets you explore the world through images, flags, money, language, maps and other information. Educators may download and use images for educational purposes. Images of people, food, landscapes, work scenes and other topics."
'This unique interactive website works with maps and globes to transform pupils understanding of the world. Winner of a Geographical Association Gold award and a BAFTA award for primary learning, Mapping Our World allows pupils to flatten a globe, turn a map into a globe, and merge different map projections"
"Welcome to the world of Geography! In this chapter you'll be introduced to the discipline of geography and what it means to study the Earth from a geographic perspective. Later we'll investigate the various tools that geographers use and be introduced to the four spheres of physical geography. You may view a list of chapter topics"
"World Regional Geography: People, Places and Globalization is designed for students to experience and study as much of the world as possible within a limited amount of time. It gives students the fundamental concepts and the latest data regarding world places in a concise, easy-to-read format."
Use this site for information on teaching geography to college students. Once on the site, scroll down to the "Geography --Maps and Geospatial Data " section