Try It: Finding Books from Other Libraries Interactive Tutorial
If you can't find a book you're looking for (and you really, really want it), use MeLCat to borrow it from another Michigan library. Here are the details:
Step 1: Use the basic search or advanced search to find the book(s) you are looking for. Pro tip: advanced search is best when searching for a specific title, author, or subject.
Step 2: When you find the book you are looking for on the results list, you can click the title for more information, or click the "Get this item from MeLCat button" to request the book.
Step 3: Select your pickup location (Washtenaw Community College) from the drop down menu , type your first name, and enter your WCC netID (this is the same username you use to get into Blackboard). Click Submit to complete the request. You will be emailed by the User Services desk when the book arrives.